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Formicacid-PRL.png Enantioselective One-Photon Excitation of Formic Acid
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 093002 (2024)
Fig1.png Role of the Binding Energy on Nondipole Effects in Single-Photon Ionization
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 233002 (2024)
fig_2_cut.png Ultrafast Kapitza-Dirac effect
Science Vol 383, Issue 6690, pp. 1467-1470 (2024)
Overview.jpg Coulomb explosion imaging of small molecules using an X-ray free-electron laser
Nat. Phys. 18, 423-428 (2022)
fig_1.png Nonadiabatic Strong Field Ionization of Atomic Hydrogen
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127,273201 (2021)
Overview.png Inner-Shell-Ionization-Induced Femtosecond Structural Dynamics of Water Molecules Imaged at an X-ray Free-Electron Laser
Phys. Rev. X 11, 041044 (2021)
Overview.png Measuring the photoelectron emission delay in the molecular frame
Nat. Commun. 12, 6657 (2021)
thumbnail.png Strong Differential Photoion Circular Dichroism in Strong-Field Ionization of Chiral Molecules
Phys. Rev. Lett. (2021)
figure_2_He2_concept_povray_final_web.png Ultrafast manipulation of the weakly bound helium dimer
Nat. Phys. 17, 174–178 (2021)
eyecatcher.png Zeptosecond Birth Time Delay in Molecular Photoionization
Science 370, 339-341 (2020)
Overview.png Photoelectron Diffraction Imaging of a Molecular Breakup Using an X-ray Free-Electron Laser
Phys. Rev. X 10, 021052 (2020)
eyecatcher.png Observation of Photoion Backward Emission in Photoionization of He and N2
Phys. Rev. Lett. (2020)
fig1_200px.png He Compton 2.1 keV
Nature Physics (2020)
eye-catcher_bild.png Magnetic fields alter strong-field ionization
Nature Physics (2019)
thumbnail.png Enantioselective fragmentation of an achiral molecule in a strong laser field
Sci. Adv. 5,eaau7923 (2019).
logo.png Direct Experimental Access to the Nonadiabatic Initial Momentum Offset upon Tunnel Ionization
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 163202 (2018)
logo.PNG Ultrafast Preparation and Detection of Ring Currents in Single Atoms
Nature Physics (2018)
bild1.png Spin and Angular Momentum in Strong-Field Ionization
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 043202 (2018)
H2_wave_function_small.png Imaging the square of the correlated two-electron wave function of a hydrogen molecule
Nature Communications 8: 2266 (2017)
thumb.png Observation of Enhanced Chiral Asymmetries in the Inner-Shell Photoionization of Uniaxially Oriented Methyloxirane Enantiomers
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 8, 2780 (2017)
Theorie_09_large-font_Dr_small.png Imaging the He2 quantum halo state using a free electron laser
PNAS 113, 51 (2016)
spin2.png Electron spin polarization in strong-field ionization of Xenon atoms
Nature Photonics 10, 526-528 (2016)
thumb.png H2 single ionization - Broken Symmetry
Physical Review Letter (2016)
interference.png Streaking Temporal Double-Slit Interference by an Orthogonal Two-Color Laser Field
PRL 114, 143001 (2015)
Catch_image_small.png Observation of the Efimov state of the helium trimer
Science 348, 551 (2015)